

作者:未知 阅读记录


"Because I'm an ass, that's why."

"Is that it?"

"That and the fact that in section 6 of the Military Manual, page 37, paragraph eight," Kenren recited in mocking rote. "It says that whenever the army is in a code blue situation, no superior's orders are to be questioned lest something really shitty happen to the stupid ass subordinate."

Laughter bubbled up from Tenpou as he politely covered his mouth. "Oh my. And what 'shitty' punishment do you think I might have prepared for that certain 'stupid ass' subordinate of mine?"

You would finally say that you want to be on top, Kenren voiced internally, but wouldn't even dare speak it out loud for fear that Tenpou might actually want to do *just that.* He's capable of it. Entirely capable of it.

"I dunno. Extra desk work?"

Hakkai shook his head. "In any case, Taishou, shouldn't that rule apply all the time and not just on a code blue signal? Or..." he continued with added mischief. "Wouldn't it also be a punishable infraction should a certain subordinate talk back rudely to a certain superior whilst at the same time questioning his judgment AND adding an inappropriate sexual jibe?" Kenren grew red.


"Even Shien caught it. Perhaps if I come out of this upset, he'll report you."

Playing with jealousy again. Well it was working. And fucking annoying him to the ends of the earth because he didn't know why. The jealousy he could admit, but the reason for it he couldn't rationalize.

Tenpou could fuck anybody he wanted to fuck. He had the liberty to do it. Just as Kenren did. God knows there were many nights and many women.

There was no disputing it. There's nothing there. Absolutely not. He was doing a poor job of convincing himself. Respect. Total respect. Comrades in arms...who just happened to sleep with each other. But guys do that sometimes. It was just "something they wanted to try out." And sure, it was fun, still is, but that's just it. Fun. Alcohol. Cigarettes. Sex. All the same.

To bad his mind was in a position to argue.

Point: But Tenpou hasn't been fucking anybody else. You like that idea, don't you?

Counterpoint: ...

Point: And you haven't been fucking any woman ever since you started fucking *him* isn't that right?

Counterpoint: ...

Point: There's a word for that, you know.

"Taishou." Tenpou's eyes suddenly seemed to take on an apologetic look. "Consider this your punishment."


But before he could even look up to meet Tenpou's eyes, something sharp met his arm and he winced in pain. Then from that point, everything started to go numb, spreading from his arm and down into his legs until he collapsed into Tenpou's embrace.

"This is for your own sake, Taishou, because I know you value the lives of your men. So this time, again, the responsibility is out of your hands and back into mine. I'm not even asking you to trust me, just allow me to free your conscience this time around."

And the obvious answer: "Fuck you."

"I need you to cooperate with me." Hakkai continued, putting the fired tranquilizer gun back on the desk and easing the general onto the floor. "Taishou, you are in no position for dishonesty. And so I ask for a single answer to a single question and then I can leave you in peace to insult me at will whenever you awake, if that is what you find pleasure in doing." he paused. "In any case, that is just a disclaimer because I mixed truth syrum into the dart. You will be truthful whether you want to be or not."

"Manipulative bastard." His head was suddenly growing fuzzy, that sense of foreboding churning his gut making him wish that the unconsciousness would come just a bit faster.

Hakkai ruffled his hair. "That's me, but don't you worry. It's a simple yes or no question."

Come on. Knock me out already. Sleep. Sleep. Go to sleep. I'm not listeniiiinnnngggg...

"Are you in love with me?"


There was a knock on the door, a bit lazy this time so it couldn't be Goujun.

"Come in!" Hakkai called, getting up from his desk to meet the visitor yet making no move to hide the unconscious general at his feet.

Through the entranceway walked a man with wild, orange hair. One eye visible while the other was covered with a patch that was insufficient in hiding the angry scar that ran across it. "Zenon." Hakkai greeted with a nod.

"Mn." the man looked over to Kenren, dead asleep. "Is this how you deal with all of them?"

A smile, but he refused to acknowledge the question. "I want all units, except for the regiment that had just returned, to evacuate the building. Discretion is necessary."

"And you?"

"I'll stay for the time being. Play it by ear."

Zenon looked up from the floor towards the marshal. The other man's mind was wandering, a small smile playing on his lips. He could ask, but they were never on such familiar grounds. How Shien managed to do it eluded him completely. So instead of frivolous words, he retreated to going about doing what he knew.
