

作者:未知 阅读记录


Oblivious to Tenpou's squirming, Goujun brought his nose close to the sweat sheened skin and worked his way through the different scents that invaded him. Soap was the most obvious sensation, then cologne, then a different musk -Kenren's, the dragon thought wryly- , but after that he found it confusing. Traces of something earthly beneath heaven's toiletries seemed to linger. Like dirt. Like humans...humans?...like youkai...like blood.

Goujun released him like a rag doll, toyed with and tossed.

"Sir, that was most inappropriate for Heaven." Hakkai breathed out with slight indignation, but Goujun was unfazed as he stepped back, nodded a goodbye then headed out, calling over his shoulder as he left.

"I am not of heaven either." the dragon king said, heavy with knowledge. "I do not totally approve of your form of intervention in this matter, but I trust that you will handle the situation to the best of your abilities. I do not approve, but good luck."

Chapter 10: Just Admit It

When Kenren finished dressing, he stumbled into the study where Tenpou was- no surprise here-reading.

"Oi, Tenpou." he said to catch the marshal's attention, but the other man was too deeply engrossed in the tattered hardback to look up. "Tenpou!"

Hakkai jumped; snapped the book shut. "Oh. It's you."

Kenren twisted his face in mock disgust. "Who else would it be?"


"Should I even bother asking?"

"You wouldn't get a very interesting answer." Hakkai admitted honestly before casting his eyes down towards the cover. In the weak light of the candle, the shiny leather cast a pale sheen of red over his skin. "You're the only person I sleep with around here."

"Damn straight." All the windows were closed, he had noticed; which was odd since Tenpou usually liked to keep them open.

The air was strange tonight, with a deathly stillness that set it apart from other nights. He lit a cigarette. Tenpou was fiddling around with his books again and Kenren was starting to get the impression that the marshal had forgotten all about his previous commands. Still, he said nothing because as careless as Tenpou could be when it came to bookkeeping and hygiene, he was NEVER one to forget anything that had the slightest bit to do with war. Shout out a name and page number, and he'd even quote from the damn book.

And so he smoked, closing his eyes and pretending not to look like he didn't have the slightest idea of what was happening. That's how politics went, didn't it? Hence the importance of having somebody to trust completely.

That said, Kenren wasn't actually sure where to place Tenpou in the great scheme of things.

A click of a loading gun pierced the silence in a way that was harsh and neat, like the tick of a clock, only it happened once. So Tenpou hadn't forgotten his orders after all.

Of course Kenren trusted him. After all, there was that incident several days ago. If he couldn't trust him now...but then again there was always something he felt that simply included trust. Couldn't exactly put his finger on it. Respect maybe. Most likely. Of course. On the other hand, that sounded too buddy buddy...as if they didn't sleep together...ravaged each other at the most random times, at the most random locations.

Going along those likes, Kenren could just say he was impressed...

Tenpou moved into the shadows of another bookshelf, his figure melting into the darkness where the candlelight couldn't reach. Paper was torn.

It was never too difficult to be impressed with Tenpou, who had the most uncanny way of getting things done and then smoked it off as if it were "something he just wanted to try out." As if he had stashes and stashes of plans waiting to be executed, daydreamed over millennia but never given the opportunity to be carried out on the field. Tenpou's mind was always running like that...perhaps even when he's being fucked senseless, a part of him is still with his maps and diagrams. Most likely, despite the fact that Kenren would have preferred to doubt it.

That said, Tenpou still didn't seem to fit anywhere with him.

Sure, it was a comfort knowing that there was one brain in this whole heaven that didn't get dusty and rusty; that always had a backup plan to the backup plan's contingency plan. Because with Tenpou, you could breathe easy knowing that somebody was in control of the situation...except when it came to sex...but really, anything in that area is completely out of the marshal's control, Kenren added smugly. But still...

Tenpou emerged from the shadows, gun in hand and hair tied loosely back. He smiled weakly then set himself on top of his desk, the weapon on his lap.

"Well?" Hakkai said.

"Well what?"

"Aren't you going to question my orders? You always seem rather disposed to doing such things."

"Eh." Kenren shrugged, looking at the floor. "I figured it wasn't worth the effort this time."
