

作者:墨九公子 阅读记录

屋内有一个金发碧眼的妇人,看着眼前又发起高烧的女孩惊叹道:"Alas, honey, this girl has a high fever again. She hasn't woken up since we rescued her. What should we do now? Should we send her to the hospital?"


"It doesn't matter. Did you forget that your husband is a doctor? Let me help her!"


妇人手作祈福状,头低下,嘴里说着:"My dear God, bless this girl to wake up soon."



两个D国人压根没听懂,眼中露出疑问:"What are you talking about, little doll?"


这是没听懂啊!反应过来的姜一一立马用英文重复了一道:"Hello, uncle and aunt. Did you save me? Why am I here?"

妇人回复道:"Hello, little doll, we saved you. This is the linked island of country D. you have been in a coma for 45 days. This is the first time you wake up after saving you."


"Thank you, uncle and aunt, but I still have something urgent to deal with. How can I get out of the island?"说完,暗道:已经过了这么久吗?寒哥哥你还好吗?寒哥哥,你一定要等我,我都想起来了,回去我们就结婚,好不好。


"Little doll, can't get out of the island now, but it's five days before she gets out of the island. You'd better take care of your illness in these five days! Otherwise, you won't be able to do anything when you go out."老妇人语重心长的说道,生怕这小娃娃自己给自己命折腾没了,一顿嘱咐。


"Thank you, aunt. May I have your names, please?"乖巧懂事的模样,看的这个金发碧眼的妇人心里乐呵呵的。


"Little doll, my name is romantic. This is my husband Kevin. You just woke up and your high fever hasn't subsided yet. Take a rest quickly. We will help you out on the day when you leave the island."拍了拍姜一一的背,嘱咐她休息。



第55章 “天人永隔”2



罗曼蒂克夫人和蔼可亲的面容又闯入姜一一的视线内,只见罗曼蒂克夫人手捧着一碗看着很有一碗很有营养的粥,走上前:"Little doll, you should drink the seafood porridge first. Look how thin you are."


"Thank you, aunt. I've been bothering my aunt for a while. My name is Jiang Jiangzi. I'm Chinese."稍微恢复了些许圆润的小脸,严肃的自我介绍。


"How are you Chinese? My husband is a half Chinese, and he is a half Chinese. His name is Li Xiao, but he changed his name to Kevin when he lived here with me. By the way, how do you feel today? Is there any pain?"妇人笑眯眯的说着,对眼前的小人儿颇为喜爱。


"Fortunately, I don't feel any discomfort for the time being!"乖乖的回答着老妇人的问题。


罗曼蒂克老夫人说:"That's good. You should get up and move. You're afraid that your skin might sleep badly. After all, it's been more than a month."

上一篇:猎物哪里逃 下一篇:桥头楼上
