

作者:未知 阅读记录

Matters which concerned rampaging youkai were, arbitrarily, his problem. "Now listen, I've instructed the people to put out their fires and hide out in the valley west of here taking minimal belongings. They should be all cleared out in about two hours or so. The town will then be deserted and the youkai will most likely go for the slower caravan moving southwards which left around the time you started meditating. They cannot get there without passing first through the town. I think we can handle them, don't you think?"

But Sanzo was busy grinding his teeth. "Fuck you."

"Now, now. You should start to be nicer to me. I may not be Hakkai, but that doesn't mean I'm worth any less." Tenpou chided as he went over and put a patronizing hand over Sanzo's head, petting him as if he were some student of his. "You know that Three Aspects debit Card you have?" He stopped. Sanzo glared. "When I go back, I can cut the Sanzo's account with just a simple order and you and your predecessors will have a good five hundred years to learn how to earn your wages right. Wouldn't you like that?"

Tenpou's hand tightened at the hair that brushed against Sanzo's neck as if pulling an imaginary ponytail.

"Or..." the marshal continued, pretending to ponder.

"Or." said Sanzo through a clenched jaw, his trigger finger twitching like mad.

"Or, maybe I won't. I could also have a word with the Three Aspects about guaranteeing vacations to the men in your line of work. After all, you need your rest...humans are so...so frail..."

It was enough provocation to send a bullet buzzing past his ear and into the air. Before he had time to think any second thoughts, Tenpou was grabbed by his collar in a brutal hold.

"Listen you..."

A bloodcurdling screech filled the air, cutting off the monk's impending threat.

"So now they know we're here. It's all quite convenient really. I'm doing my job, and you're getting your friend back. There won't be any more need for you to meditate yourself over to his side. Isn't that fair? " Tenpou commented, oblivious to how close to death he was at that moment. He paused. "Isn't it what you want, Genjo Sanzo?"

Sanzo released him, his eyes strewn with scornful disbelief as if he'd just been violated. Tenpou could have burst out laughing. "You..."

They were so alike. So the same. They were both allergic to the F-word.

"Why must both of you make friendship so complicated?" Tenpou teased. "Anyway, just come back before noon. Goku's starting to miss you and we should prepare ourselves for the attack. It'll be around dusk, if my knowledge of that type of youkai is correct."

"Who put you in charge?" said Sanzo sulkily, grabbing the cigarette pack from Tenpou and lighting himself up another one. He breathed deeply, relaxed a little, only to have the cigarette plucked from his lips as the other man leaned down close and whispered in his ear, words both silky and terrifying, giving him enough proof that Tenpou Gensui was truly a fatal menace.

"I am -always- in charge. Remember that."

And with those words, Tenpou walked past the stricken priest, his eyes glowing with satisfaction as he contemplated his newly acquired cigarette.

And with those words, Sanzo started to pity the marshal's celestial enemies.


At the corner of the wood, out of sight, but not out of earshot, stood Gojyo digesting the conversation as the faint smell of cigarette smoke- not Sanzo's brand at all - drifted towards him.


Tenpou felt especially soft right now- melting in his arms like cold fluffy soap scented feather down...

Wait a second.

Kenren's eyes flew open and he found himself in a passionate embrace with an extremely dispassionate pillow. Burying his face in frustration, he mumbled to the memory, "Dammiiiitttt Tenpou." The memory didn't respond. "Who're you running off to?"

"No one in particular." replied Hakkai cheerily as the general shot up in bed. "Here and there, but mostly to the bathroom to bathe and such." Which had proven to be quite difficult given the injury, but he wasn't about to wake this man just so that he would help him bathe...not that Kenren would have minded one bit.

He felt like...bathing? It just wasn't done. "Who-"

"Am I and what have I done with your Tenpou, right?" Hakkai waved a nonchalant hand dismissing the idea as if it were simply preposterous that Tenpou was not Tenpou. "Don't bother Taishou."

"Yes sir, not bothering sir."

From his desk, Hakkai silently stood up with the ease of someone who had been awake for quite some time, Kenren noted, then resettled himself at the other man's side, careful not to jolt his own shoulder.

"But in full uniform?" Kenren pursued, scooting over to make room.

"Mmh." Hakkai agreed. "For here and there."

