“Hey! Take it easy! You are stronger, but you don’t want your boyfriend to get hurt, right? You can tear me up of course, but you know better that if the boy dies, that’s something even a goddess can not fix.(别紧张,强当然是你强,但也不希望你的小男友受伤是吧?你当然可以把我给撕了,但要是这小帅哥死了,那便是连如您这般的神使都没有办法干涉的法则。)”恶魔没有被吓到,然而更加恬不知耻地笑了。他一抬手,原本跌坐在地上的贺展乔忽然便感觉喉咙一紧,喘不上气来,挣扎着倒在了地上。女巫连忙护住他施法,试图与恶魔的力量抗衡,解救濒临窒息的人。
“Let’s talk then.(谈就谈。)”新月冷着脸说道。然后,一神一魔便消失在赤红的法阵中。
“I heard my son has been impolite to you, my dear. I apologize.(犬子粗鄙,失礼了。)”新月到的时候,Azel正坐在大班桌上,西装革履,举止讲究。
“I hope you have a reason strong enough to explain everything, Sir.(我希望您有充分的理由来解释这一切。)”新月不卑不亢地回应道。
“Let’s talk about compensation first. Darren hurt your boyfriend, he deserve a punishment.(先向你赔礼道歉,Darren顽劣,你随便罚他。)”好歹是地狱秩序维护者,Azel比那些横冲直撞的恶魔要体面得多。
“I want the potion to be ready by the end of this meeting.(在我们谈话结束前给我把药调好。)”新月将女巫给的药方甩到Darren脸上。本来里面有一味药比较难找,现在好了,就让这不知好歹的小恶魔找去吧。
“Recently, someone stole a key from hell and brought it to the east. I think you might have heard about it as well.(最近地狱丢失了一把钥匙,听说有人将它带到了东方,相信此事你也有所听闻吧。)”Azel调出了一个古老的木盒子,打开,里面空无一物。随即Azel打了个响指,盒中浮现出一把匕首的虚像。新月眼眸微阔,那盒子里面的,正是神秘女巫活祭所用的匕首。
“This key... What’s the use?(这是把“钥匙“?什么用途?)”新月没有否认,也没有急着承认。
”Oh, it’s a key for summoning evil things. Give it blood and with a proper spell and maybe some fancy ceremony, it can summon evil creatures.(祭点血,念念咒,也许还有些花俏的仪式,然后就可以召唤出恶灵来。)“Azel不以为然地说着,似乎这点小伎俩根本入不了他的眼。的确入不了,他在西洋冥界的地位,可不是随便什么野女巫能挑动的,这把”钥匙“,自然也请不动他这样的人物。
”Do you mean that this key can summon any kind of evil creatures, regardless which world it’s from?(您的意思是,它可以召唤出不同魔灵,不论这魔灵属于哪方神界?)“新月细细地看着匕首柄上的花纹问道。
”Just the lowlevel ones, maybe you can use it to summon Darren as well, but not anything higher. Everyone who has relation to it will be marked by this pattern. (只能召唤出低阶魔物,也许你还能用这玩意儿召唤出Darren那臭小子,不过再高阶就不行了。每一个参与过这种召唤仪式的人身上都会留下这钟花纹印记。)“Azel半开玩笑地说。
”If it can just summon some anonymous, why you care so much to retrieve it.(既然只能召唤一些无名之辈,为何你又如此在意要寻回它?)“新月知道事有蹊跷。
”For now, yes, it seems like no big deals, but I would not say that if it keeps being use to bring evil things in human world. The key itself is a □□all magic, but a □□all magic can be part of a big magic as well. If someone is using it to make a big one, we would not know about that, because it can be the magic to open the hell gate or to destroy human world. Our roles are both the order keepers of Hades. You help me to find the key, We owe you one, and both sides return to love and peace.(目前来讲的确不疼不痒,但如果有人不断将魔物带到人间就不一定了,用恶灵之钥做的召唤仪式可能规模有限,但小魔法可能成为大魔法的一部分。如果使用它的人真的打算启动大法阵,那我们将无从得知是哪种法阵。有可能是打开地狱之门让群魔入世,也可能是直接焚毁人间。既然你我都是冥界秩序守护者,你帮我们寻回这钥匙,算我欠你一个人情,而两方神界,都可以重归充满爱与和平的静好岁月,岂不美哉?)“Azel倒了两杯红酒,香气四溢。