

"Ten-chan, this was in the pocket."

"Oh? Give it here."

Tenpou unfolded the rumpled piece of paper- something that Hakkai had ripped from one of his books. Poetry?

It said:

Saeva Indignatio and the labourer's hire,

The strength that gives our blood and state magnanimity of

its own desire;

Everything that is not God consumed with intellectual fire.


When upon waking, Hakkai saw the fire, he thought nothing, except: 'Perhaps I should leave before the roof collapses.' But there was no roof. There were no walls. There was rain.

His second thought, this time voiced: "Hell's a lot more simple that I'd have expected."

"Well excuse me for giving you a simple life." a voice said behind him where he lay.

Hakkai smiled, then turned to face the half-breed. "Gojyo." Nagging husband.


The green tent stretched over them, the fire revealing five slumbering shadows. In the corner, Goku snored softly with an occasional mumbling about food. "Gyoza...yes...oh... and can I have mu shi also...ow...not enough food...Sanzo." To the other side, Sanzo was...Hakkai noted with amusement...pretending to sleep.

"So you found your way."

"Don't I always?"

"We won't be leaving till tomorrow."


"It started raining right after you..."


"It's weird."

"Not really."


"Heaven is simply trying to put out a fire it can't reach."

Gojyo laughed and ruffled his hair, pulling him close for a chaste and quiet kiss before falling back. It was their first, though it certainly didn't feel like it. "You causing trouble without me?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." Tired. He was still tired. Hakkai closed his eyes.

"So..." Gojyo said, then drifted off.


Perhaps as if to clear his own conscience: "I'm just curious, but...um...did you and Kenren..."

"Go to sleep, Gojyo." And with a smirk, Gojyo did.


This was a good heaven, Tenpou thought as he sprawled himself over the grassy field just outside the holy city. The roughness of the ground beneath his skin, the scent of flowers, the sky that never cried and the breeze that always caressed.

Nothing but being. It was a good heaven.

A shadow fell over him, making the dimness behind his eyelids even dimmer. He squinted them open. Tenpou's gaze was met by two deep blood red jewels gracefully set in a statue of shining white marble and scales.

"Marshal." Goujun greeted impassively.

"Sir?" Tenpou responded, smiling stupidly.

Yes, this was his marshal.

The dragon king waved a handful of documents in front of him. "Paperwork with regards to last week's...incident. I will not do these alone, given that you-"

"I didn't do it."

Goujun shrugged and settled himself down in the grass beside him. "I never said you did, but nevertheless, I will not burden myself with the bureaucracy's inane little protocols more than needed. Therefore I thought it appropriate for you to have your share of the responsibility."

"And so you decide to spend some free time with me? I'm touched."

He ignored the insubordination. In any case, the fire had deprived him of his office. There was no other place to work. "Now I need to know with as much precision as you can muster, the details surrounding the event."

"I'll be as specific as possible."

The report went something like this...

Cause of fire: Toppled lamp.

Casualties: None.

Witnesses: None to speak of.

Suspects should this matter be taken to higher court: The wind, perhaps a cat of sorts.

Solicitation: Request the building materials and laborers necessary to reconstruct the Western Army's main building.


Konzen looked at the report and scoffed. "The idiot."

Then he stamped the document: APPROVED.
